The European Pillar of Social Rights
European priorities
The priorities for the renewed European Agenda for Adult Learning for the period from 2012 to 2014 are derived from the objectives and the main concern and the areas of activity identified by the European Commission.
The renewed European Agenda for Adult Learning names a total of 13 topics for areas of activity (including participation, lifelong educational counselling), which will provide for greater visibility of adult education by 2020. These topics are intended to promote collaboration in the area of education and vocational training.
For the first period of implementation (2012-2014), the resolution defines specific priorities to support the Europe 2020 strategy:
- Realisation of lifelong learning and mobility;
- Improvement of the quality and efficiency of general and vocational training;
- Promotion of justice, social cohesion and active citizenship;
- Promotion of innovation and creativity at all levels of education and vocational training;
- Improvement of the knowledge base for adult education and monitoring of this sector.
Skills Agenda
Around 70 million people in Europe have inadequate basic competences in reading and writing, concerning basic competences in calculating and the handling of digital media, the number of people without adequate competences is even higher. More than half of the long-term unemployed in Europe have acquired minor or deficient basic competences. About 40 percent of companies in Europe have difficulties finding employees with the right skills. Against this background, the EU Commission, under the lead of the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, launched the "A New Skills Agenda for Europe" in June 2016. More information